What May Cause Your Hair Loss
Losing hair whether it's a little or a lot can be overwhelming, as many emphasis are placed on personal identity associated with hair. A recent consumer survey revealed 70% of the respondents indicated that hair loss affected their level of confidence. Most individuals associate a full head of hair with a high degree of likability and youthful beauty.
There are numerous factors that leads to thinning or complete hair loss. Here are some of the reasons.
Stress is one of the leading cause and plays a major part in hair loss. Whenever we're experiencing stress, the adrenal gland releases cortisol hormone which causes the hair follicles to shaft into the resting phase where hair stops growing. The adrenal gland produces hormones that help regulates metabolism, the immune system, blood pressure and response to stress as well as other essential functions.
Menopause a time when a woman's hormone levels decrease and many may notice their hair starts thinning, becomes dry, brittle and appears less voluminous than before. During this time estrogen level decreases. Estrogen has a positive effect on hair growth and can prolong the growth phase, according to Dr. Wesley. Hair follicles are sensitive to physical has well as emotional stressors.
Nutrition is the key to overall good health and that's also for your hair. Having a well balance diet gives the body vial nutrients, essential for maintaining optimal health. For instant, iron deficiency or anaemia can impact the health of the hair. Why you may ask ... (Iron helps the body produce hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells. It carries oxygen to your body’s cells, helping them grow and repair. This includes your body’s cells that help with hair growth). Iron has a direct effect on stimulating hair growth and green leafy vegetables are an excellent source. Popeye may have been onto something, so be sure to consume more green vegetables and red meat.
Medical issues or illness such as cancer and auto-immune disease also impact hair growth. Take the thyroid gland, its hormone aides in the development and maintenance of hair follicles. If there is too much thyroid hormone or not enough it can shock the system into the telogen resting phase. Hair does not grow during this phase of the cycle. Telogen effluvium is the second most common form of hair loss (androgenetic alopecia is the first). A condition that causes an increased number of hairs to enter the resting phase. Additional shedding usually occurs in response to various stresses such as emotional trauma, post-pregnancy and illness, major surgery and certain medications. Telogen effluvium can be delayed (occurring a few months after the stressful incident).
Extreme styling or constantly styling the hair in tight hairdos that pulls on the hair over a period time can cause traction alopecia. This condition is caused by localized trauma to the hair follicle. If the condition is detected early enough, the hair will regrow. Braiding, cornrows, tight ponytails, and extensions are the most common styling causes.
Hair loss is frustrating but knowing what's at the root cause and implementing science base solutions, incorporating a will balanced diet and lowering stressors will improve health and hair growth.
McAndrew P. MD ..American Hair Loss Association ....Review by
Modern Salon Research..Sept2021
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